
16 October, 2012

Dream A Little Dream: Out Of This World Automotive

I have been thinking about getting an 'old car' for a while but my financial situation just didn't permit me to. Things have been looking up in the finance department lately and I was hoping that maybe I'd have my dream baby by next year. However, since then I've decided to go to the US, am trying for the Borneo trip and plan to attend Chopped in Melbourne next year so it's looking far more likely that it won't happen until 2014.
So, instead of mourning the delay of my dream car I decided today to drool over her instead and I thought I'd share it with you all as well.

Meet my dream car, the '63 Ford Galaxie 500. Ain't she sweet?

I can just see me rolling up in this!

Look at that damn fine rear end!

She'll definitely be black and I want a sexy red interior!

She'll stay cool, even when I give her a bit of a spurt.

Isn't she just screaming 'take me for a spin'?

What do you think? Is she 'me'?

I certainly think she is and I can't wait for her to be mine. Pug can ride up the front with me. Hah.

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